(714) 997-4400
countdown to capture

In a world of unlimited streaming services, many Americans prefer something that is a little more anachronistic. Podcasts have come a long way in recent years attracting listeners from multiple generations and demographics. Simply put, there is a little something for everyone in the realm of podcasting; from comedy to true-crime, people can give their eyes a rest and listen to captivating stories.

As a matter of fact, some crime-related podcasts have led to solving cases decades later. Some such audio investigations have resulted in new information surfacing that helps law enforcement agencies hone in on suspected murderers. It is astonishing the response that some cold cases are receiving thanks to the diligent inquiries of journalists and private investigators. Hopefully, a new podcast from the Newport Beach Police Department brings closure to the murder case of Quee Choo Lim Chadwick.

Some of our followers may be familiar with previous posts we have written about Quee Choo Lim Chadwick and the disappearance of her husband and alleged killer Peter Gregory Chadwick.


Countdown to Capture

Now from the City of Newport Beach, the police department released a six-part podcast with the hopes of bringing about justice. Countdown to Capture is a true-crime drama about the case against Peter Chadwick, 54, who went missing after posting his $1-million bail, The Los Angeles Times reports. In September, the NBPD announced a $100,000 reward for information leading to Chadwick’s arrest.

“Almost six years later we haven’t had the satisfaction of seeing him stand trial,” Newport Beach Police Chief Jon Lewis said last month. “Our investigators have put together all the reports, the witness statements, the evidence that we need, and we’re confident in our case. The one thing missing is our defendant.”

Chadwick is on the U.S. Marshals Service’s 15 Most Wanted Fugitives list. If you are interested in listening to the series of digital audio episodes, please click here. Those with information pertaining Chadwick’s whereabouts are invited to call the Newport Beach Police Department tip line at (800) 550-6273.


Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney

Please contact the Law Office of Ronald G. Brower if you have been charged with a crime in California. Attorney Brower’s decades of experience can help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case. Call today: (714) 997-4400

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