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Kent and Jill Easter (pictured above) both 38-year-old attorneys who live in Irvine, CA were arrested last week on felony charges in Orange County. Their arrest came after allegedly framing Kelli Peters, the PTA president of their son’s school by planting drugs in her car and then reporting her to authorities.  The Easters were reportedly displeased with Peter’s supervision of their son at Plaza Vista Elementary School in Irvine.

The Orange County District Attorney’s office stated that the couple attempted to get Peters arrested by driving to her home in February, 2011 and planting drug paraphernalia, 
a bag of marijuana and prescription pain pills inconspicuously in her car.  Kent Easter then gave Irvine police an anonymous tip that Peters was concealing drugs behind the driver’s seat of her car.

Although the Irvine police found the drugs in Peter’s car, after interviewing colleagues and searching her home they found “no evidence to support drug use or possession,” according to the Orange County District Attorney’s office. Detectives then determined through video surveillance that Kent Easter made the call to alert authorities of Peter’s alleged drugs and that the Easters have had a long standing vendetta against Peters with two prior attempts at suing her – both of which were dismissed according to Orange County Court records.

Farrah Emami, a spokeswoman for the Orange County District Attorney’s office stated, “this was obviously something they had sought out and planned with the intent of having her arrested,” The Easters are scheduled to be arraigned in July 2012 in Orange County Superior Court. If convicted, they could face up to three years in state prison.

If you are charged with a felony in Orange County, contact an experienced attorney at the OC law firm of Ronald Brower to assist you in fighting your charges and/or reducing your sentence.
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1 comment

Anonymous June 23, 2012 - 1:46 am

You know -there is nothing that makes me sicker or wanting to vomit more than Officers of the Court, the “Easter,” in this instance, allegedly trying to set up a volunteer school worker on drug charges. That’s just evil! More importantly it does not inspire faith in our judicial system. Equally as bad and making me break out in hives is the fact that they are arrogant enough to think they can get away with it.
Their actions lead me to have serious concerns about what they were taught in “Liars” “oops” Law School. It suggests an ingrained lack “Professionalism in their training.” What are Law student being taught, by who and how? Are they even being taught about ethics or ethical conduct? Or are they being taught how to cover their butts, throw their weight around and intimidate the “great unwashed masses.” I guess the title of that course should be, “How to frame, intimidate and throw your weight around for fun and profit.” Lord save us from the want a be with more money than sense.
Seriously I hope that the Easters are disbarred. They have no business being Attorneys at Law. Further I hope the victim files a tort and is awarded a substantial punitive award.

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