(714) 997-4400
Members of the sheriff’s Border Crime Suppression Team walk into an apartment complex in Santee to conduct a compliance search on a probationer. Source: Sign On San Diego.

Operation Allied Shield III took place several weeks in San Diego with the goal of targeting drugs, guns and gang members near the California and Mexico border. The massive sweep yielded seizures of cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, prescription drugs and marijuana. The total street value of these drugs is $70,000. Police also seized five weapons, $46,000 in cash, vehicles and drug paraphernalia. Additionally, 67 gang members were arrested during probation searches.

California law makes it a felony to possess narcotics such as cocaine, crack, heroin, ecstasy, and GHB. It is also a crime to illegally possess marijuana and prescription drugs.  A person convicted of possession, faces jail/prison time, monetary fines, drug classes or rehabilitation programs and probation. A person who is in possession of illegal drugs for the purpose of selling them, faces even harsher sentencing. Therefore, it is imperative to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney if you are charged with a drug crime.

An experienced defense attorney may bring up several defenses to get your drug charges dismissed including violations of the Fourth Amendment Search and Seizure law, entrapment or wrongful arrest. If convicted, the attorney may be able to reduce your jail time and monetary fines and get you into a drug program right away. Therefore, contact a criminal defense attorney right away if you are charged with a drug crime.

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